Villawood Properties
Community Masterplanning, Development Planning
Create a concept design for the Alamora Grand Boulevard that will tie together the streets network.
Prior to Mesh involvement in the project, the Alamora ‘Grand Boulevard’ was identified simply as a Boulevard Connector within the Riverside PSP. Mesh recognised the potential for this streetscape to deliver on the objectives of a genuine 20 minute neighbourhood for the future community, forming a strategic link connecting the future Wyndham community to the Werribee River and a broad range of community facilities including an activity centre, sports reserves, schools and parkland. Mesh engaged the client in a series of visioning workshops to reimagine this conventional streetscape as a Grand Boulevard. The PSP connector cross section was reconfigured in a way where the open space components (the nature strip, verges and median) could be consolidated together to form a 15 m wide contiguous, safe and multifunctional green link within a fixed 31m reservation. This ‘green link’ would form a high amenity setting for a range of diverse medium density housing that would frame the Grand Boulevard and add to the vibrancy, safety and character of the green link. The green link component of the Grand Boulevard was envisioned as a true multifunctional passive linear space that could accommodate a seasonal display of deciduous canopy trees and planting, community gardens, network of paths, informal play, picnic areas and seating, alfresco work stations & WIFI, informal play, art, WSUD, exercise equipment and distance markers, events, and night time promenade. Around a kilometre in length, the concept was for the green link to have a dynamic and rhythmical quality, that would intensify and formalise as it approached the central activity centre. In order to ensure the delivery and ongoing success of the green space, the project team are investigating alternative management and maintenance models (such as body corporate) that would allow the vision to be realised and that will release the project from the limitations of minimum council maintenance standards.