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  /    /    /  Central West Structure Plan

Maribyrnong City Council


Development Planning



This is what we did:

Maribyrnong City Council engaged Mesh to prepare the Central West Structure Plan which is a guiding document that provides key actions for how Central West will grow and prosper, focusing on key improvements and actions that will drive urban renewal. This included unlocking redevelopment of industrial land, intensification of commercial/retail areas, integrating medium/high density housing and strengthening active transport connections to Tottenham Station.

This is how we did it:

The Structure Plan was developed through a considered analysis of the community and business views and aspirations, present influences and future opportunities, needs of agencies and service providers and the overall form and function of the centre. Key to the development of the Structure Plan was how evolved through a collaborative process between Council, businesses, the local community and key agencies. The Structure Plan provides further direction on key development areas, place making projects and future planning tools and mechanisms. This unlocks the potential for 4737 new jobs and accommodation for 2599 new residents. The Structure Plan will be used to update relevant aspects of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme, to ensure Council’s decision making achieves enhanced economic, social and environmental objectives for the future of Central West for the next 20 years.