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  /    /    /  PSP Guidelines

PSP Guidelines

Project Name:

Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines


Victorian Planning Authority




Strategy and Policy

Service Provided:

Mesh was appointed by the VPA to prepare the PSP Guidelines in response to the need for formalised policy direction. Mesh assisted in developing the new guidelines for the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) 2.0 Process.

What we did:

This provides a step-by-step framework for preparing PSPs that embraces innovation. The guidelines integrate the 20-minute Neighbourhood hallmarks from Plan Melbourne and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. As part of the new PSPs, Mesh conceived of and designed the Innovation Pathway to encourage leading practice and support the resolution of key challenges often faced by new community precinct planning in design or delivery through innovative demonstrations. This idea was formulated in response to a shortfall identified within the PSP Guidelines, whereby innovative concepts conflicted with minimum standard guidelines, and thus, the potential of planning strategies was limited.
