
Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel aliquet nec eget arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus vitae.

  /  Candelaria Abascal Vedoya
Candelaria Abascal Vedoya

Candelaria Abascal Vedoya

Senior Consultant Urban Planner

Candelaria is an enthusiastic statutory planner with experience working in local government. She completed her planning qualification in Canada and recently completed an Advanced Diploma in Program Management. 

Prior to joining Mesh in 2022, Candelaria has worked as a statutory planner for a local government where she gained an excellent understanding of the statutory planning and development process. Inspired by city and regional planning alike, Candelaria has been involved with a range of strategic and statutory projects since starting at Mesh. 

Senior Consultant Urban Planner