Emily Killin
Senior Associate Planner
Strategic Planning + Policy Stream Lead
Before joining Mesh, Emily gained experience in strategic planning roles in both a state and local government context. Formerly a Strategic Planning Manager for the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) Regional team, Emily has worked with a range of local governments and state agencies – responding to and planning for growth.
Emily has developed particular experience in project managing complex strategic planning projects. She has a demonstrated ability to methodically coordinate and lead teams to deliver a broad range of strategic planning projects, such as structure plans, framework plans and policy reviews and advice. Emily is passionate about efficient processes and loves the challenge of working with the Mesh team and our stakeholders to collaboratively find solutions to complex planning challenges.
Emily has a particular interest in streamlining planning processes and infrastructure funding and delivery. She has an article published in the Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance on this topic.
Emily has gained most of her planning experience in the Victorian planning system, she is now based in our Tasmania office and is developing a growing knowledge of the Tasmanian planning system. Meaning she is well placed to work with clients in both Tasmania, Victoria and beyond! Emily is a member of the PIA Tasmania Divisional Committee, and chairs the events sub-committee. She enjoys giving back to the profession by sharing her experiences with young professionals as a mentor in the PIA mentoring program.